This film has a rather low rating of 6.8 on.
Oj simpson capricorn one movie#
This movie fits in well with the general mistrust of the government following the Watergate mess, the pardoning of President Nixon, an un-elected president, and the 1976 election. This is a fantastic conspiracy theory movie about an aborted flight to Mars and the cover-up. It remains a memorable movie of the period that should not be picked to pieces by smarty pants students of film, but rewritten and remade with Matt Damon and Adrien Brody, directed by Paul ( The Bourne Supremacy) Greengrass.Some people believe the moon landings were faked. There's a surprisingly entertaining cameo from Telly Savalas as the owner of a two-bit crop dusting business. This guy should be at the centre of the film, like a PI on a politically sensitive case (The Parallax View anyone?), not some bumbling oaf who follows his nose, if he can find it, and lucks out.ĭespite flaws that in hindsight appear obvious, it's a great story and Holbrook, especially, is terrific. Elliott Gould, as the maverick reporter, is laughable. All it needs is sharpening the pace and giving the script an infusion of snap-crackle dialogue.

Hyams' direction feels goosey loose scenes go on too long. Rather than handing a propaganda goody bag to the nay-sayers in Congress by postponing the mission, Dr Kelloway (Hal Holbrook) takes the decision to go ahead and fake it ("We can't afford to screw up"), relying on his silky smooth powers of persuasion, coupled with guarded threats, to bring the astronauts on side. They discovered a malfunction in the life support system two weeks before the launch and didn't have time to repair or replace it.

The motive for subterfuge it is not because the boffins have lost faith in the feasibility of the expedition. Minutes before lift off, the astronauts are escorted out of the capsule and flown to a secret location in the desert, where a Mars landing site has been prepared beforehand. People are smoking, for heaven's sake, on the job! What next? Well, what next is quite a surprise. You notice a less frenetic, more calming atmosphere than in Apollo 13. The control centre at Houston is abuzz (pre-Lightyear), as the countdown counts down. The President, whose ear is seldom far from Capitol Hill, is beginning to lower the temperature on his public support for infinity and beyond, just at the moment when NASA is preparing to send three men to Mars. The euphoria of the moon landings has evaporated and Congress is complaining about cost. The politics of space travel has lost its sex appeal. All Peter Hyams' film lacks is a charismatic leading man to play the investigative journalist and a tough minded editor to tighten loose screws and eradicate the slack from tension lines. Good thrillers are hard to come by and Capricorn One is the mother of conspiracy theories, aching for a firm hand to force it into the paranoid Noughties. Now that Hollywood is rooting around the Seventies for something else to remake, it's no surprise that they've taken an interest in this one.